Foreign market expansion at Nitro

Foreign market expansion at Nitro

We are proud that Nitro Communications' application "Building International Relations and Foreign Market Expansion at Nitro Communications Kft." has been successfully funded, opening up new market opportunities for our company.

The tender will make a major contribution to Nitro's expansion in foreign markets. The expansion will involve market research and networking to prepare for the distribution of our own IT solutions, in particular ROX location intelligence and marketing systems. The project included market and keyword research, partner and potential customer database building and competitor research to support strategic decision making. The research clearly showed that the ROX platform's functionalities and technological capabilities are clearly unique in the European market, with no direct competition at the technological level, only at the service provider level.

Project ID details:
- Title of the project: 
"Building international relations and foreign market expansion at Nitro Communications Ltd."
- Contracted amount of the grant: 32.776.000 HUF
- Amount of aid: 100%
- Project ID number: GINOP-3.1.2.-8-2-4-16-2019-00092
- Planned completion date: 14.03.2021.